She’s been wowing crowds across the UK with her Asylum tour and the expanded edition of debut album Opheliac is making waves across the world. She is Emilie Autumn.

In between designing her own sets, costumes, writing books and making records Ms Autumn still finds time for some of life’s little pleasures.

And we found out exactly what makes our favourite Goth rocker tick ahead of the latest rushonrock Rider.

On your iPod: I’m listening to a lot of Victorian circus music. I play it for an hour before the show to get fans in the right mood. I’ve been collecting records recorded in the 1890s and transferring them digitally to use in the show.

Small Screen Pleasure: I’m obsessed with cooking. When I’m actually at home I have the Food Network on 24/7. I love watching anything to do with kitchens and cooking.

Making a meal of it: Right now I’m loving the vegan green tea muffins that I make. They’re melt in the mouth and a beautiful shade of green.

Drivetime: I’m terrified of driving. I like travelling on horseback or via horse and carriage. But I love walking and if none of those modes of transport are available then I’ll hail a cab.

Ace Place: It’s got to be the UK. My interest in the Victorian era means I look forward to coming back to Britain again and again and again. My HQ is in London and the city is very important to me on so many levels.

Dream destination: I’ve been promised that I get to go to a koala bear sanctuary in Australia. I’m pretty excited about that!

Nickname shame: Milldew.