Uncompromising Philadelphia crew Devil Master have unleashed the thrilling Her Thirsty Whip as a taster for hotly tipped debut Satan Spits On Children Of Light – released on Friday.

“We’re not pandering to any trends or other genres,” insisted guitarist Darkest Prince. 

“It’s entirely its own thing. It’s for people to open their minds and have fun with – but also get lost in.”

Devil Master blend an unholy trinity of death rock, punk and black metal that manages to transcend all three: Satan Spits On Children Of Light sees the band emerge from the grave and reach new blasphemous heights. 

Darkest Prince has been playing bass onstage with hardcore legends Integrity for the past two years, while bassist Spirit Mirror fronts post-punk outfit Blank Spell and was a member of the mostly female hardcore troupe S-21. Keyboardist Dodder plays in Grave Turner with members of punk-pop darlings Sheer Mag.

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Main image by Shang Waley