It’s turning out to be another big year for Jon Oliva as the multi-talented singer sets about showcasing his new JOP record and revisiting the past with the latest Savatage double CD retrospective.

We’ve already hailed Festival as one of our albums of the year and we’ll review and rate the Savatage CD on Sunday.

There’ll be a full interview with Jon right here very soon but for now let’s take a look at what makes the larger than life frontman tick in this week’s rushonrock Rider.

On your iPod: I loved the Heaven & Hell album from last year and I’m listening to Opeth and Kamelot at the moment. I’m also a huge classic rock fan and Queen are one of my favourite bands of all time.

Small Screen Pleasure: I’m a big History Channel fan. I like watching stuff about UFOs and there’s a new show called Monster Quest which I’m becoming addicted to.

Making a meal of it: Anything Italian thanks.

Drivetime: I drive a huge SUV which costs around $1m to fill up but it’s a nice, big, roomy vehicle which I take with me when I go bass fishing. I’ve also got a 1995 Mustang Convertible for when I’m not going fishing…

Ace Place: I’ve lived in London when I was recording with Savatage and it’s a place I always like to come back to. But I love Athens, Amsterdam and most big German cities. I love Europe and I love castles!

Dream destination: It’s got to be Australis but I hate flying. They have to knock me out on the seven hour flight from Frankfurt to New York so I’m not sure I could take the flight to Australia. I’m like Mr T on the A Team.

Nickname shame: Yank. I was, and always will be, a New York Yankees fan.