Happy New Year! But will it be?

After what turned out to be an explosive 2008 – with blistering new releases from the titans of rock and metal it’s difficult to imagine how the next 12 months can top the year that’s gone before.

This time last year we were looking forward to fresh albums from Whitesnake, Def Leppard, Motley Crue, Metallica and AC/DC. Then Axl Rose decided to jump on the bandwagon and ensure that 2008 equalled 1987 as a landmark year in rock.

I can’t say that the raft of new material lined up for 2009 excites me quite as much even if yet another Rush record is mooted for late this year and there’s a suggestion Ozzy Osbourne is ready to unleash a double disc of metal fury sometime in the autumn. And if Ozzy doesn’t come up with the goods then Dio-era Sabbath will in the shape of a new Heaven And Hell release.

Of course there’s the prospect of new records from The Answer, McQueen, Therapy? and Scott Weiland and maybe the younger breed will pick up where their senior peers left off.

But if 2008 was all about big bands producing big records then this may be the year of the big live show. We’re already booked in to watch Metallica and Nickelback in Newcastle and AC/DC in Glasgow. Throw in Download and the Leeds Festival, the possibility of Kiss, the Crue and even Aerosmith returning to these shores and we could be sat here in 12 months’ time trying out new digital hearing aids and visiting the physio for sore necks at least once a week.

Of course the world of rock is never predictable. And while we’ll get the great records, the sweaty gigs and the hot gossip we’ll also get the unforeseen splits, the untried collaborations, the unexpected triumphs and the odd tragedy. It might be a year of controversy, critical acclaim, missed opportunities and massive successes but one thing’s for sure – in the world of rock and metal it definitely won’t be boring.

And of course sometime next September rushonrock will hope to celebrate its first anniversary after hitting the net in 2008 and trying to find a niche for a national rock audience based in the North East. Rest assured we’ll be working our collective arses off to bring you the best in news, reviews and interviews with rocktastic blogs and new features to boot.

Thanks to everyone who supported us in 2008 and welcome to any newbies who might switch on to what we’re doing in 2009. You’re welcome along for the ride but hold on tight. It could get messy.