Heartbreak Remedy — Let The Good Times Roll (Self Released)

It’s almost a decade since the swaggering Life EP bagged Rushonrock’s Record Of The Week.

It laid the foundation for Heartbreak Remedy to hit the highway to hell.

And a heady mix of sleaze, hair metal and classic rock had the critics utterly captivated.

If life, work, a global pandemic and more have occasionally stalled the Cumbrians’ momentum then the committed trio have never compromised.

And Let The Good Times Roll is the decade-long, damned near perfect realisation of this brilliant band’s true potential.

So what’s made all the difference?

Frontman Matty Penn has finally benefitted from a vocal mix that brings his gnarly rasp alive.

Luke Blair’s axe work sizzles from start to finish as the fret burner fires up some of 2023’s most ambitious solos (see One More For The Road for starters).

And drummer Steve Jackson — a key member of Chris Holmes’ band — punches his way through 11 shatterproof tracks with all the confidence of a season vet.

But perhaps that’s the key difference.

Heartbreak Remedy aren’t kids anymore.

They’re permanent fixtures on the buoyant NWOCR scene.

Reliably proficient and riotously fun.

And in 2023 the three-piece play with all the passion, power and professionalism of stadium staples.

Hurricanes And Hand Grenades is heavy blues heaven.

Working Man Blues benefits from a gloriously rustic groove.

And ballad Goodbye allows Penn to drain the well of emotion running through so many of the more affecting songs here.

Moving set closer Drowning barely comes up for air but the stifling subject matter is handled superbly.

Looking to Let The Good Times Roll this summer? 

Let Heartbreak Remedy do the hard yards.