Blink 182 – California (Duluxe Edition) (BMG)

Genre – Pop punk

Blink 182 fans were made to wait almost a year for the second serving of the chart topping California, but it has arrived and they will not be disappointed.

The second side to the album could be seen as a fan’s treat. It’s not written for radio, but for the Blink 182 faithful who adore the pace and wordplay associated with their back catalogue.

From the opening track Parking Lot Skiba’s vocals are on key, giving him yet another opportunity to further connect with fans and dispense the ever looming shadow of Tom DeLonge.

As expected Travis Barker is at his eccentric best, with punching drum patterns that drive the pace of the trio in an album that can be seen as a celebration of pop punk rather than a quest to further expend the genre.

And, after twenty years of bands trying and failing to progress pop punk, this celebration of its hypnotic teenage menace is a refreshing take. Tracks like Misery and Don’t Mean Anything are a throwback to Take Off Your Pants and Jacket, echoing those feel good rock songs, that were prevalent across the airwaves in the early naughties.

This, alongside nu metal was the first taste of guitar music for millennials, and California two will send a shudder of joy down the spines of the 20 to 30 age group, as the rip roaring sounds of Mark Hoppus’ trademark hooks, breathes further life into a genre that refuses to fade away.

Blink 182 are a band that have overcome a difficult decade and come out stronger. The release of such a strong album, so quickly after a number one album only goes to show the amount of material the trio have at the disposal.

Matt Skiba has brought some of Alkaline Trio’s charm to Blink 182, without taking anything away from what we know and love about the trio, and if 2016/2017 is anything to go by, fans can expect big things over the next few years.

RUSHONROCK RATED – 9/10 Rock out with your cock out!