Slabdragger – Rise of the Dawncrusher (Holy Roar Records)
Genre: Doom/Sludge Metal
Worried that doom/sludge scene is running out of ideas and crucially, the catchy Iommic riffs that make it so appealing? Rise of the Dawncrusher will allay your fears – and then some.
Slabdragger’s second opus is a scuzzy, brutally heavy behemoth of a record that veers from apocalyptic blues to death-dirge to gnarly hardcore, often in the same song. And it boasts huge, full fat, monstrous riffs by the dozen.
Whether they’re locked into the low-slung, stoner groove of Implosion Rites or the gritty, futuristic doom of Dawncrusher Rising, these Londoners know how to get heads banging and ear drums popping… and unlike some of their contemporaries, they’re willing to change up the pace to keep their music vibrant and engaging: if you’re looking for dull, ten minute slow-mo trudges through the sludge netherworlds, Rise of the Dawncrusher is best avoided.
Slabdragger certainly deserve high praise for their efforts – they have rustled up an unexpected treat here and fans of Electric Wizard, Eyehategod and Yob, plus anyone else with Sabbathian spirit flowing through their veins, will surely lap it up.
Watch them rise.
RUSHONROCK RATED: 8.5/10 Black Slabbath