The Bridesmaid – Grayson (Self-Released)

Genre: Post-Metal

Could The Bridesmaid make up for the loss of Brit post-metal giants Capricorns? Quite possibly, if this four track effort is anything to go. It really is that good.

The London-based duo seem to instinctively know when to build suspense, when to caress the listener and when to hit the distortion pedals: there’s nothing formulaic to Grayson, nothing by numbers, but there is a real depth to their music.

Aldrin is a particular highlight, its weighty, dirge riffs giving way to a soaring, shimmering lead guitar line, then taking a spaced-out, gentler turn in its mid-section, before erupting once again towards its conclusion.

Ballack is another gem, boasting a sublime piano motif that beautifully complements its crushing guitars.

The material on Grayson’s had apparently been “languishing in a long forgotten encrypted file” – let’s hope that The Bridesmaid’s next work doesn’t end up buried in a digital vault, as it needs to be heard as soon as possible. Richard Holmes

RUSHONROCK RATED: 8/10 Engagement Present