Day two at Hard Rock Hell’s new North Wales home kicked off with a blast of female-fronted Irish rock n roll – Ajenda’s upbeat, hooky tunes proving the perfect start to another mouthwatering bill.

Next up were fast-rising homegrown heroes Burning Crows – in the middle of a UK tour with the Quireboys and a definite highlight. The Crows’ intoxicating brand of Americanised rock makes these guys something to special to see and hear. Perfect for aching heads and strained muscles, this lot got hips swinging and hands clapping from the start. 

The fun and fervour continued apace with the truly excellent Electric Mary. From the outset the exuberant Aussies were simply amazing – performing with an effortless cool and mixing classic Led Zeppelin with gritty AC/DC. Boasting one of the most charismatic singers the HRH rock chicks have ever witnessed we’re expecting big things from the Mary boys in 2013.

Blackfoot brought a taste of the deep south to North Wales and those present were prepared to overlook the fact that this is a band shorn of any founding members. With quality showmanship this good the legacy of one of Southern Rock’s most legendary acts is in safe hands.

Hot on Blackfoot’s cowboy-booted heels came the heavier yet melodic Molly Hatchett – comfortably warming up the masses for Mr Skid Row himself. Sebastian Bach might have arrived on stage just a little late but he delivered the goods and then some. According to the man himself he’ll still be singing the anthemic Youth Gone Wild ‘when I’m 83’ and, as long as he includes 18 And Life and Big Guns when he’s rocking in his wheelchair, no self-respecting rock fan will be complaining.

Although it was far too early in the day to catch Massive Wagons the band handed the RUSHONROCK rock chicks a rocking promo and right now it’s proving to be the perfect soundtrack to our chalet breaks. Make a point of catching them live very soon – you won’t be disappointed. With Day Three well underway we’re still talking about Day Two’s kings of the stage – the fabulous Electric Mary. The bar has been set (and visited).

Viki Ridley