HRH logoEvery day this week we’re looking at the acts ready to rock hard at Hard Rock Hell 2009.

And they don’t come much bigger or meaner than Blackie Lawless’s shock rock vehicle W.A.S.P..

When your best known song is about fornicating like an animal it’s pretty clear you mean business. And Blackie does.


MUSIC: Metal

BEST ALBUM: The Crimson Idol (1992)

LATEST ALBUM: Babylon (2009)

BEST TRACK: I Wanna Be Somebody

SOUNDS LIKE: Alice Cooper meets Twisted Sister

IT’S A FACT: There is no definitive answer when it comes to the question of what W.A.S.P. stands for. Popular theories include We Are Sexual Perverts, We Are Satan’s People, We Are So Perfect and White Anglo Saxon Protestants (where the acronym derives from originally).

HRH SET: Stage One – Saturday – 8.20-9.20pm