frank-turner-little@ Newcastle University Basement, October 17 2009

Some of you may only be familiar with the name Frank Turner from the post-hardcore band Million Dead who sadly went their separate ways after four years and two albums in 2005.

The band members pursued their own projects, resulting in the revelation that is Frank Turner as a solo artist and delivering the talented folk/punk singer-songwriter who now has three studio albums and a sold out autumn 2009 UK tour.

Frank is currently showcasing his third album Poetry Of The Deed, released worldwide in September 2009. He revisited Newcastle after playing his first Toon show with Million Dead in 2003, supporting Funeral For A Friend along with Your Code Name Is: Milo.

Acoustic act Beans On Toast warmed the crowd with catchy tunes and a spot of rapping accompanied by a drum machine and an accordian. Next up were Florida boys Fake Problems who jumped straight into their energetic set, managing to get the sardine-packed room whipped up into a frenzy. When the sound technician walked on stage afterwards, the crowd erupted into screams and chants in sheer anticipation of the arrival of the legendary Turner.

The pace was set for the remainder of the night by the opening song Live Long, Die Old, the first track from his new album. The crowd broke into a series of clapping and dancing, which continued throughout the night. The whole crammed space was buzzing by the time Frank’s second song of the night, Paroles The Road rolled around and he declared The Basement as being “the biggest fucking headlining show I have played in my life”.  One lucky volunteer from the crowd even played a harmonica solo alongside Frank during Dan’s Song and later played his first live guitar solo, making Newcastle Basement a memorable night of the tour.

The night ended with a mass sing-along to Photosynthesis and Frank Turner hearing almost every single person in the room screaming his own lyrics back in his face. “Oh what a night” to say the least.

Chiara Giordano