Rise Against – Wolves (Virgin Records)
Genre – Punk
Since their formation in 1999, Rise Against have stayed true to their moral compass using their international punk platform to speak out for social justice.
Their fight for justice has never ended, and album number eight could not come at a more poignant time. America is currently being run by an overgrown, neurotic Umpa lumpa, while the U.K. faces the prospect of a weak and wobbly Tory leader with a nose longer than Pinocchio’s. Enter Rise Against.
Rise Against waste no time getting started, as they burst out of the traps with the album’s ferocious title track that is laden with roaring vocals and racing guitars, culminating in a first pumping, socio-political commentary that will resonate with socialists worldwide.
This rip roaring high streams into House On Fire and The Violence, two tracks that pinpoint the trademark sound of the iconic four piece, with The Violence in particular, seeing a flood of epic hooks and a soaring chorus of ‘we’re not good enough, we’re not brave enough!’
The Violence (Audio Only) by Rise Against on VEVO.
Far From Perfect brings in more of a pop punk element to the album, but stays true to the heavier, rockier sounds that Rise Against have built their foundations upon. This pop punk sound stems from Blink 182 style riffs and various elements that appear to be lifted from the Alkaline Trio playbook, but the political nature of the track sees it remain firmly within the Rise Against remit.
The political narrative takes a different spin with Politics of Love, a song thick with the torment and regret of missing the opportunity to say something for the final time. This heart wrenching song is a prime example of the dexterity of Rise Against, as they show their softer side, but in a typical balls to the wall, raucous way.
Wolves sees Rise Against step up to the mark yet again, delivering an all killer no filler album that will not pass anyone by. In an album of standouts, one song stands above the rest in terms of quality, power and lyrical brilliance – Mourning In Amerika. This track was written for the stage; a protest song dripping in livewire punk ideologies and one that is going to tear through speakers and stand out as a modern classic punk rock song.
RUSHONROCK RATED – 9/10 A ball busting powerhouse of punk rock defiance!