@Newcastle The Cluny, September 23 2016
New record White Hot Heat has put the ‘more’ into The Amorettes: suddenly, somehow, from somewhere this talented trio have taken their game to the next level.
The wannabes are the made its.
And it’s clear these one-time contenders can comfortably carry the flag for gutsy, growling, grown-up rock and roll. The Cluny’s bouncing basement venue brought the band’s visceral potential into razor-sharp focus.
Frontwoman Gill Montgomery hasn’t wasted her time on the road opening up for the likes of Thunder, Black Star Riders and Gun. Learning from the best she’s developed an on-stage persona that demands attention and commands respect.
New tunes Let The Neighbours Call The Cops and White Russian Roulette offer compelling proof that The Amorettes have matured into a band that’s both radio-friendly and raw. Significantly, theirs is a sound that will appeal to fans of Motorhead as much as devotees of Def Leppard. And Montgomery appeared in no mood to let the band’s momentum slip as she led her band on a fast-paced romp through the best that White Hot Heat and 2015’s Game On have to offer.
Rhythm section Hannah and Heather McKay are as tight as it gets but it’s their vocal harmonies that have helped to harness The Amorettes’ early potential and transformed the band into a genuine powerhouse.
Disappointingly Love Zombies simply weren’t on the same level. Ragged, rough and clearly far from ready, the hotly tipped support stumbled through a disastrous set – but perhaps that’s their thing.
The DIY approach, singer Hollis’ wacky stage presence and ‘too cool for school’ sidekick Davey’s bizarre posturing ensure it’s impossible to take your eyes of Love Zombies. Ultimately, however, it’s all about listening to the music. And right now Love Zombies don’t sound anywhere near as good as they look.