Whatever happened to dumb drummers with big hair, big kits and even bigger beer guts?
In days of old you could bank on the bloke bashing the skins looking more... Read More...
When it became clear I was never going to be the next Nuno Bettencourt, Yngwie Malmsteen or even Phil Collen (that’s Collen – I never wanted to be a little bald... Read More...
Kids eh?
They wouldn’t spot a good tune if it came bundled in a Wii game with bells on.
Imagine you had to pick the best from the following list: Van Halen’s ... Read More...
Is nothing sacred in metal anymore?
Not so long ago Metallica were the bastions of tradition as they fought illegal downloads, file sharing and each other (but... Read More...
As a kid I was regimental listener to the UK Top 40.
Whether setting my tape recorder to capture the Sisters Of Mercy, Iron Maiden or Metallica, Radio One’s Su... Read More...
They say never meet your heroes. I say b******s to that.
OK, some might turn out to be utter fools and shameless charlatans. Others might have bad breath, bad ... Read More...
Interview ice breakers. I could write a book on ‘em. But it seems the harder you try the quicker you die a horrible death on the end of a silent phone line.
In case you haven't noticed Windows (of the Arcade) has gone all upmarket in recent months with a shop refit and new branding to boot. These days they're JG Win... Read More...