Beans On Toast – Spanner In The Works (Xtra Mile Recordings)
Genre – Folk Punk / Drunk Folk
Another year, another new album from Beans On Toast, following his annual tour. Consistency and hard work have always been key for Beans On Toast, and this year has been no different: except for one thing – he’s teamed up with rock pianist Tensheds and introduced a number of piano led tracks to this year’s release.
Having previously trailed the tracks on the road, Jay received the response he was looking for and proceeded to lay down the tracks on record. And despite a clash in styles, they somehow sync to create a disastrously, delicious combination.
2016 has been a whirlwind – a reality check nightmare but a songwriting dream. With this is mind, it comes as no surprise that the album opens with the aptly named 2016 – a track that chronicles the wicked ways of Trump, Boris and Nigel, while celebrating the lives of Bowie and Prince. Played solely on an acoustic guitar, this is classic Beans On Toast with a politically rousing opener.
Sticking with particularly poignant 2016 issues, the album sails into The Drum Kit With Gap, a track that rages about the closing down of bars and music venues, and the hypocrisy of middle class Britain who forget their own youth with age.
Pubs and beer have been a recurring theme in Beans On Toast albums for almost ten years, with some truly epic numbers being produced. Sadly DownThe Pub is not one of them… or is it? The track, which is mixed with rock piano, should not work, and on first listen it doesn’t. But the infectiously simple lyrics of ‘I’ll be down the pub, putting the world to rights’ really capture listeners, making this track a potentially new fan favourite.
Like booze, family has always played a key role in Beans On Toast’s music, with numerous references to his parents, nan and Lizzy B. This album is no different, with I Can Be That Tree discussing his marriage last year and the future as a couple.
Once again, this is an album filled with fun, clever lyrics and gravelly vocals, and the trick is not to take it too seriously. There is no one on the music scene doing what Beans On Toast is doing, and well as he does it. So have a beer, have a laugh and enjoy this new release.
RUSHONROCK RATED: 8/10 Welcome to two thousand AND sixteen!