Broken Teeth HC – At Peace Amongst Chaos (Nuclear Blast)
Genre: Hardcore
Despite coming out of Manchester, you won’t see Broken Teeth HC rocking a Pretty Green jacket or vintage Gallagher mop any time soon – these boys look to the likes of Terror and Sick Of It All for inspiration, rather than the famous sons of their hometown. Yet while At Peace Amongst Chaos is clearly influenced by Stateside metallic hardcore (Hatebreed and Earth Crisis lurk among the brutal chug of Stomp 2 Dust, for instance) there’s plenty of Brit grit to the quintet too… and it’s refreshing to see a UKHC act focus more on songwriting than posing.
Could Broken Teeth HC make a dent in the global hardcore scene though? Witness of Destruction, Lose My Grip and the skull crushing title track especially suggest so, and in frontman Dale Graham they have a vocalist who brings a healthy grasp of rhythm to their work. His vitriolic flow is particularly impressive on Leach Regress To Snake, and gives the tune an extra boost of vitality.
Show No Mercy lets the side down a little, sliding into generic thuggery a little too often, but on the whole, At Peace Amongst Chaos is an assured confident debut, with plenty to chew on for hardcore fans. And we can’t wait to hear it live…
RUSHONROCK RATED: 7.5/10 Chaos Reigns