Chisel Beeches – In A Week, On A Whim (Self-Released)

Genre: Rock

It might be hard for Chisel Beeches to play the songs from In A Week, On A Whim, but the measure of an EP is whether or not it’s hard to listen to – and on that, they pass with flying colours.

With the name that forces the group never to settle on their sound, the foursome are part of a new wave of artists whose range of sounds make it difficult to attach a specific genre to them. Take You Home and Tracey are both massive rock sounds in which dirty vocals make a brief – but memorable – appearance.

The songs within In A Week, On A Whim are instantly related to any 20 something who is trying to make it on their own in the big bad world – from tunes about being the designated driver, to the loud and obnoxious next door neighbour, there is something from all walks of life.

All six songs within the EP are refreshingly free of overproduction or the pretentiousness of trying to over preach a message.

They are just proper, British rock tunes that deserve to launch Chisel Beeches onto greater things.

RUSHONROCK RATED: 9/10 The Start Of Something Big?