awardsWe’ve racked up scores of gigs again this year and the highlights have come thick and fast.

But only the top 10 of 2013 make the cut and one show has to beat them all. Read on to find out where that gig took place… 











TTM 20131. The Temperance Movement – Think Tank, Newcastle

We said: Honest, amiable, genuine and affecting. Oh, and brave. Courage has always been at the heart of the classic rock brand. The genre needs bold flagbearers to cement its future and in The Temperance Movement and giddy opening act The Graveltones there’s enough daring to conquer all. Victory is theirs. said: The band works the rock clichés hard, particularly when they get into an extended instrumental workout a la The Black Crows. It’s like the last 40 years never happened, but it moves your hips and digs deep into dad’s record collection. The audience join in with some muscular “oohh oohhs” and stadiums don’t seem such a stretch of credibility.


2. Airbourne – Download Festival, Donington

3. Kvelertak – O2 Academy, Newcastle

4. Rival Sons – Picturehouse, Edinburgh

5. Train – O2 Academy, Newcastle

6. Graveyard – Download Festival, Donington

7. Free Fall – Download Festival, Donington

8. The Who – Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle

9. Quireboys – O2 Academy, Newcastle

10. Dirty Rock N Roll – The Cluny, Newcastle