It might not (yet) be the most coveted award in rock and metal but announcing our favourite album of the year is a true highlight for the rushonrock team.

As usual the competition has been intense and we awarded more than 20 records top marks throughout 2011 – from the 300-plus reviewed and rated this year.

But there can only be one winner…read on to discover the identity of our favourite album of the year! 




Nikki Sixx still can’t bring himself to give up the day job but this album proved there really is life after Motley Crue – and that new life should start now.

As slick a hard rock album as we heard all year it mixes styles and subject matter to compelling effect. With a memorable vocal performance from James Michael and melodies to die for This Is Gonna Hurt knocked spots off the competition and had us crying out for more.

Crue are yesterday’s men but this is tomorrow’s stadium-filling fare. The sooner Sixx recognises that the sooner he’ll reach the pinnacle of a colourful career.


2 Vintage TroubleThe Bomb Shelter Sessions

3 Megadeth Th1rt3en

4 GraveyardHisingen Blues

5 FastwayEat Dog Eat

6 Black Country Communion2

7 Outloud Love Catastrophe

8 The Magnificent The Magnificent

9 Machine HeadUnto The Locust

10 ArchitectsThe Here And Now

11 Wolf Legions Of Bastards

12 Tyr The Lay Of Thrym

13 TurisasStand Up And Fight

14 Times Of Grace Hymns Of A Broken Man

15 Work Of ArtIn Progress

16 White WiddowSerenade

17  Alfonzetti Here Comes The Night

18 DalriadaIgeret

19 Grand Design Idolizer

20 Pentagram Last Rites