Reborn thrash metal crew Forbidden have poured forth their thoughts on next month’s first new record in 13 years.

And fans of the Bay Area mob – who counted Machine Head’s Robb Flynn as a founder member – will be delighted to hear they’ve gone back to doing what they do best!

Forsaken At The Gates is Forbidden’s new thrash anthem for the 2010s and beyond,” said guitarist Craig Locicero – as the band prepare to unleash new record Omega on October 25. The punishing track has been uploaded to the band’s MySpace page to give fans a true taste of what’s to come.

“If we could go back in a time machine to when we called it a day in 1997, there still would have been no way that we could have written Forsaken… back then.

“We needed the distance and hindsight to write this record and had to get a grip on what the hell Forbidden was all about when we started. Our vision is clear.  We are a Thrash Metal band! Forsaken At The Gates says it all.

“If I were to compare Forsaken At The Gates to any of our old songs, it would be March Into Fire, which was one of the first songs that I’d ever written in my life. Ironically, Forsaken… was the last song we’d written for Omega Wave. Funny how things work.

“As far as the song itself, Mark was a fucking beast when we tracked it! I knew we had a monster on the first take, great energy and sense of urgency in his performance.

“It made one hell of a spine to connect all of the other moving parts to. Everyone blasted through their tracks with the same sense of urgency too. Playing those riffs, my blood pumps harder then in any other song I’ve played on. It was an intense session to track and Matt cruises through the entire thing like a bulldozer!

“The solo section brings me back to the good ‘ol days when trade-offs were all over the classic metal records we all love. I really love playing and writing with Steve, he makes me so much better and I think we make a great team.

“After that, it’s Russ that’s next fucking level! Tim and I got him fired up and locked him behind the glass until he sounded as crazed as they lyrics are intended to convey. The song itself is about turning away the masses from the numerous underground shelters around the planet that will try to seek protection from any natural or unnatural disaster that would effect all of us on the surface.

“The main line of the song says ‘Corpses laid out for the Rapture, New World Order buried in it’s tomb.’ In other words, if the surface isn’t worth living on and the powers that be decide who lives in a canned air bunker for future generations to come…let them rot down there, that’s not a world worth living in!”

Vocalist Russ Anderson weighed in to add: “Looking back on recording our first album Forbidden Evil and recording Omega Wave, there really is no comparison.

“During the recording of Forbidden Evil we were in a time crunch and I sang the whole album in about one and a half days – impossible, some could say, but true. I was happy with the results because that gave the album its rawness. That record, in my opinion, goes down in history as true as a thrash album gets.

Omega Wave was a slower recording process.  I worked with Craig and Tim as my right hand men and they know me. At times I think they were trying to ‘slap me around’ a little before the heavy songs like Forsaken At The Gates to get me to approach the song with true aggression.

“You really should not be feeling love and flowers approaching a song like this, not to say that was what I was thinking, but it helps to bring out the aggression of the song through the vocals. Forsaken At The Gates was easier for me than some of the others, only because it was the last song I recorded and was done in one session.

“By the time I was on the last of the songs I had a lot of fire to breathe and did not want to stop. ‘I love to record!’  As far as my voice being deeper or better, I don’t know, I tried to complement each song and be one with it, and to do that, you must be one with your voice. That is something I have strived for over the years and hope it comes across.

“I think that vocals can change or get better over time, like a fine wine. For instance if you listen back to James Hetfield when he did Kill ‘Em All he most defiantly has a more adolescent voice than, on say ...And Justice For All.

“Vocals are touchy things and definitely unpredictable from day to day. The only way I have found to have any control over it is to approach every song with its intended emotion which is also the key to a good performance no matter how your voice is holding up that day. Point being, it’s a human instrument that mirrors the soul.

“I truly gave it my all on Omega Wave and I hope everyone will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed recording it .”