It’s Hard Rock Hell week on rushonrock and we’ve been talking to some of the star names headed for Prestatyn to find out what they make of 2009’s metal holiday camp.
First up it’s Gun and former Little Angels frontman Toby Jepson:
“I did HRH with Fastway a couple of years ago in South Wales and it was fantastic. Seeing thousands of rock fans walking around in their glad rags all weekend and watching a load of great bands throughout the night is just an incredible experience.
“I think John has done an amazing job and he’s got the package absolutely right. He’s put together a great bill of bands and brought together like minded people ready to rock out and have a great time.
“Sadly I won’t be able to see as many of the bands as I would have liked as I’m straight out of Prestatyn after our show before opening up for Skin on their December tour. It’s a shame because part of the HRH experience as a musician is being able to watch the bands you love.”