It’s review time again and after last week’s famine comes the feast! Yes tomorrow could be an expensive day for fans of rushonrock‘s top picks with a jaw-dropping six records worthy of your precious pounds…log on here every Sunday for tomorrow’s music today.
Bob Catley – Immortal (Frontiers)
The voice of Magnum never fails to inspire but on this latest solo offereing good old Bob continues to deliver classic hard rock more akin to Rainbow and Dio than his own band’s more melodic moments.
But of course that’s no bad thing and tracks like The Searcher, You Are My Star and Heat Of Passion would sit well on any number of late 70s standards. In the absence of a new Magnum record this will fill a gap for fans of one of the UK’s premier rock acts and at the same time endear Catley to a whole new audience…we hope.
rushonrock rated: 7/10 Cat’s The Cream
Crown Of Thorns – Faith (Frontiers)
Once upon a time Crown Of Thorns commanded a $1m fee following a fierce major label bidding war and there was never any doubting Jean Beauvoir’s talent as a charismatic and classy frontman.
As determined as he is diverse, the imposing vocalist has never been afraid to do his own thing and more than a decade after stadium tours with Bon Jovi and Van Halen the brilliant Beauvoir can still craft a cracking tune.
Highlights here include Stay With Me, Rock Ready and the title track – all of which have the mark of a genuine creative force back to his scintillating best.
rushonrock rated: 8/10 Faith Healer
Dartz – The Sad History Of The Village Of Alnerique (Xtra Mile Recordings)
Now let’s get one thing straight right from the off – Dartz will not appeal to every rushonrock reader because they’re a little bit different. The Teesside threesome don’t respect musical boundaries and would probably baulk at the thought of appearing on a website dedicated to pure rock.
Then again there’s something about these student dudes which has always appealed. They can rock hard when they want to, they know how to wield a guitar but their lyrics demand a certain commitment and attention from the listener.
Don’t be put off by the silly title or the elongated song names or even a band name evoking memories of sweaty pub games in seedy bars. Just sit back, close your eyes and appreciate a much-needed break from the norm.
rushonrock rated: 8/10 The Sad Case Of An Underrated Band
Evergrey – Torn (SPV)
Every so often a record comes along that slaps you in the face, makes you sit up and take notice and has you scouring the internet for more info on a band which, until now, has criminally passed you by.
Had Torn not followed not on the heels of Death Magnetic then rushonrock would be hailing this as September’s top release. It’s rarely been out of the CD player and fuses elements of melodic rock, pure metal and thrash to superb effect.
If, like us, you’ve never given Evergrey the time of day then don’t delay. You won’t be disappointed and might even realise this is the new favourite band you’ve been waiting for.
rushonrock rated: 9/10 Evergrey Forever
Night Ranger – Rockin’ Shibuya 2007 (Frontiers)
Now you might know Night Ranger because of their early 80s breakthough album Dawn Patrol. If not you might have heard anthemic single Don’t Tell me You Love Me flirting with the airwaves over the years and there’s no doubt this band could rock with the best of them. For a while.
Where it all went awry is not so clear but the band broke up, the momentum was lost and it was only in 1996 that NR got back together after even years apart. Apparently what folowed were albums which became standard bearers for the 80s rock reveival but we’re not quite sure.
This is a live album featuring the odd high, some poorly produced lows a and a slab of unspectacular mediocrity in between. CD2 opens with Sentimental Street and this really is for the overly sentimental.
rushonrock rated: 5/10 Ranger Danger!
Uli John Roth – Under A Dark Sky (SPV)
If you like guitars then you’ll love Uli and the veteran muso rarely makes a bad record these days. He rarely makes a big-selling record either but then for one of rock’s most talented axemen it’s never been about the money.
Roth has never worried about his reputation, current trends or where a fantastic musical journey will take him but there are parts of Under A Dark Sky which are pretty heavy going. The 13-part Tanz In Die Dammerung is an incredible piece of metal artisty but it’s not the kind of track you’d play on repeat on the iPod.
If you’re an Uli fan this ranks alongside the best stuff this mad bloke has produced. If you’re not then check out some of his more accessible work for the Scorpions and take it from there.
rushonrock rated: 6/10 Sky’s The Limit